Be a Records Management Superhero

Records managers still struggle to get buy-in for records management programs, despite the fact that the number of records exposed increased 141% in 2020.

Many organizations believe there just isn’t enough time or money to properly deal with records. Factor in a “keep-everything” culture in many companies, as well as an endemic resistance to change, and you’ve got problems that even the most stalwart of records management superheroes can’t wrestle to the ground.

The Numbers Are Daunting

A 2018 survey of Information Governance (IG) professionals indicates a big gap over the last decade between supposed “improvements” in records information management (RIM) and the actual processes themselves.

Though 81% of respondents saw improvement in their organizations from 2010 to 2018, 66% said they still weren’t collaborating consistently on IG issues.

These numbers gel with another survey of attendees at the National Conference on Managing Electronic Records found that 7 out of 10 information professionals say lack of management buy-in for records management actually prevents them from doing their jobs as well as they could.

Eight out of ten say the leaders in their organizations don’t even recognize that IG and RIM require commitment and investment. Even more – 84% – say the deeper problem is resistance to change.

Are you ready for records management buy-in?

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The Solution? Get Buy-In Like a True Superhero

Information governance and records information management professionals need to get buy-in from coworkers and superiors alike. The secret? Position your work as critical to the company’s success. Here’s how.


Explain how you bring value to the company

Develop an internal marketing campaign that describes your work and the benefits it provides. Records management is about more than inventory and retention. Consider preparing a 30-second “elevator speech” that explains how you’re going to save the company money next year, or how you’re clearing out that old storage room to make room for a gym. On Halloween, you could even dress up as Superman and explain how you’re saving the company from hackers, the Solomon Grundys of the internet. That will get you some serious buy-in for records management.


Focus on how much you’re saving

If money talks, then saving money sings like Aretha Franklin in love. Sit down with a calculator and figure out exactly how much your company will save thanks to you and your team. When you’re done, calculate how much you could save if your company really invested in records management. (A trusted records management partner like Corodata can help you create a cost-savings plan.) Doing the math isn’t easy, but if you want buy-in for records management from the C-suite, you’ll have to start talking about return on investment. Ask yourself:


Share the benefits of a good security program

A well-structured records management program provides critical security benefits for your company, online and off. A trusted off-site storage partner will keep documents safe from theft and fire and maintain restricted access. Professional media vaulting services protect against cyberattacks and get your company back in business if your on-site computers get hacked. And when the auditor arrives, you can just call Corodata and request the records that save the day!


Don’t forget to get coworkers on board

The work you do is often poorly understood outside of records management. That’s a problem—because coworker buy-in and cooperation can be critical to the success of your program. So, how do you get that buy-in from your coworkers? Show them the effects of good and bad RM in their everyday life.