Getting Records Management Right: 3 Success Stories

Who would have thought a grocery store could benefit from better records management? Surprising though it may sound, records management keeps all kinds of organizations, such as small businesses, city governments, schools, and even grocery stores, to name just some, running smoothly. Records management is something that companies are always on the lookout to improve, implement, and turn into a regular habit within the office. Sound familiar? While it’s a challenge, we have three successful stories to share of organizations that have getting records management right. Good record storage is good for your business, meaning safety, privacy, and keeping track of files for projects, people, and corporate history. Let’s not kid ourselves, this is no simple task. However, it is achievable, and worth it, as the following three case studies show.


A grocery store chain produces a fresh take on records management

Out of sight from store aisles filled with fresh and tempting produce, exotic spices, and gourmet cheeses, a family-owned California market was souring on its bookkeeping practices. So many boxes of employee punch cards were stored in a warehouse that it filled almost three rooms, floor to ceiling. Holding on to the employee records was crucial for the union audits it faces on a regular basis. However, the small business was running out of room, and putting too much time into digging into disorganized boxes to find the right files. Now that’s all in the past. Since becoming a Corodata client, the company’s system has been thoroughly re-worked to handle an audit at any moment. Boxed up, labeled and bar coded, records are now stored offsite and easily accessible should the need arise – and it does – to provide specific records for auditors, along with audit trail reports. Another bonus: The warehouse is now available for what it’s really needed for, storing inventory, not boxes of sensitive data. Soon after the business partnered with Corodata, in addition to the union audit, the company also faced an IRS audit. This time, they were ready.

“Thankfully we just called Corodata and gave them the box number and they came back the next day. The auditor was very surprised. All the information she needed, she got it. She did say we were pretty organized,” the bookkeeper recalled.

Let’s just say that this grocery store delivered the goods, fresh and on time.


California local governments: training for tomorrow

Local governments are also now on the hook for getting their records management right. The state of California has instituted a set of guidelines now required for all local governments. According to Government Code, California’s Records Management Program is designed to apply efficient and economical management methods to the creation, utilization, maintenance, retention, preservation, and disposal of state records.” Effective Records Management ensures that records are kept only as long as they have some administrative, fiscal, or legal value. Guidelines have been pulled together in a record management handbook, as well as a record retention handbook. Literally, it looks good on paper. While having a policy is impressive, getting government workers on board to follow it is a whole other challenge. Which is why the state is providing monthly training programs on practical records management. To show the work hasn’t gone unnoticed, two award programs have been developed to recognize great archival work and records management within government. Three organizations won Laserfiche Run Smarter® Awards for “effecting organizational improvement through modern records management programs.” The Archival Award of Excellence has recognized a list of recipients who made noteworthy contributions to the archives profession.


A school system makes the grade in records management

At one of the largest school districts in the state of California, finding a file might take an advanced degree. By one estimate, some 6,000 boxes of files were being stored wherever there was room – kept in multiple school buildings, stashed at the district office, and left at a warehouse, all with minimal security and zero organization. Worse, files that could have been destroyed were mixed in with current documents. In fact, it was eating up 20 percent of staff time just looking for the files that were needed at any given moment. By signing up Corodata, the school district was finally able to properly label and track files, store them safely offsite, accessing them easily when necessary, and securely destroying the ones that could go. Now with a pro partner, the school saves numerous personnel hours each week, freed up tens of thousands of cubic feet of space, increased security, and significantly improved their overall efficiency. That’s an A+ in our books.

Be a record management success story

Consider a pro partner that can get you on track with the right records management plan for your business, and set you up for success. Get started today. go