HIPAA Compliance 2019 Webinar

Featuring Tom Dumez, “The HIPAA Man”

In this HIPAA Compliance 2019 webinar, Corodata has partnered with Tom Dumez, an industry-leading HIPAA compliance trainer. We’ll discuss HIPAA compliance requirements and your business’s legal responsibilities for safe records handling. It’s the responsibility of any business to remain in full compliance with all appropriate guidelines and regulations, and HIPAA is no exception. HIPAA protects patient privacy and health information, and the security of electronic records keeping for insurance purposes. Proper records management is essential for the security, stability, and professional reputation of your business.

Join this records management webinar to learn about:

HIPAA Webinar

Review HIPAA Compliance

We’ll go over who HIPAA affects and industries involved.

HIPAA Compliant

Discover Best Practices

Learn how to stay compliant.

Corodata helps with HIPAA

How Corodata Can Help

We’ll show you how we can protect your information.

About the Featured Presenter

Tom Dumez is a Certified HIPAA Professional and a Certified Security Compliance Specialist. His focus is compliance with all levels of regulations (local, state, and federal) through policies, procedures, employee handbooks, risk assessments, documentation, contracts and agreements, and planning and implementing compliance solutions. His consulting services to Records and Information Management (RIM) companies and their clients have been invaluable. Tom has been marketing and conducting employee training programs since 2009, and he has worked in the broader RIM industry since 2000.

About Corodata

Corodata is California’s largest privately held information management company, in business since 1948. With five California facilities, and over 10,000 clients, Corodata is a full service records and information company. We focus on providing outstanding, local customer service. Corodata provides secure destruction, offsite record storage, imaging, data protection, and cloud backup services. We are fully HIPAA compliant.

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