Legal Records Management Services

Any legal practice generates a huge number of documents, records, and files— all of which need to be stored securely but kept accessible.

We take care of your legal document storage and records management, so you can take care of your clients

That need for confidentiality and accessibility, plus the sheer volume of materials is what makes legal records management such a hassle. Still, it’s an indispensable part of your law firm, and it’s crucial to your clients that it be handled appropriately.

Legal documents must be kept strictly confidential since attorney-client privilege is at the heart of everything you do. Your records also need to be stored and preserved indefinitely to ensure your clients (and you) are protected — you may never need those documents again, but you’d better have a secure legal document management solution if you do!

easy retrieval

Actively retrieve legal records

File retrieval is just as easy – any single document, file, or whole box, can be delivered to you whenever you need, and on a flexible schedule. With extensive security protocols and a complete chain of custody, you never need to worry about your records during storage or transit.

legal documents

Properly retain archive records

Office space is too expensive to store archived client files and documents cost-effectively. With such a constant influx of legal records, any onsite storage space will become overburdened before long, and you’ll spend a huge percentage of your time just trying to stay on top of the chaos.

records legal compliance

Records Legal Compliance

Regulatory requirements are constantly changing. Corodata participates in annual HIPAA and SSAE 16 Type II audits, the authoritative standard for a service organization. Taking things further, we practice the Six Sigma methodology for continuous improvement and quality control.

electronic legal records management

Easily transition to Electronic Records

Imagine having instant access, from any web-capable device, to any file, record, form, document, or image you might need. We have the technology to create a completely integrated, fully customized records management solution, with convenient digital access, for any size or type of legal practice.

shredding for secure document destruction

Shredding for Secure Destruction

Safeguard your business with Corodata shredding services. We offer secure paper shredding and hard drive/media destruction options for when your documents have reached retention. Secure shredding keeps you in compliance and helps you to avoid disasters like data breaches and identity theft.

scan on demand

High-Volume Imaging

Most law firms don’t have the infrastructure or technology to efficiently handle high-volume scanning of documents and legal records. With Corodata’s high-volume scanning services, we will integrate your documents and records into a fully searchable database. Your important information will be readily available and accessible whenever you need it.

We’re experts in legal records management

At Corodata, we’re proud to have been in business for 75 years, and our track record of satisfied clients, proven successes, and continuous improvement is a testament to the way we do business. We will work to understand your law firms particular needs, and work with you to develop a legal records management system to meet them perfectly. By partnering with Corodata, you receive the benefits of:

  • Compliance with regulatory agencies such as HIPAA, FACTA, SSAE 16 Type II
  • Secure facilities with 24/7 video surveillance monitoring
  • The expertise of skilled employees trained specifically in records management
  • Excellent customer service and quality care
  • State-of-the-art scanning technology
  • Easy online access to your records via our web portal
  • Cost-effective

Specialize in storing

  • Case Files
  • Contracts
  • Service agreements
  • Accounting records
  • Personnel files