5 Pros for a Records Management Program

What if there was a way for your office to save time, money, space, and feel more organized—you’d do it, wouldn’t you? In the best of all possible worlds, records management policies at work are a no-brainer. They allow you to easily access mission–critical documents, reduce your risk in legal action, and can quickly get your organization back on its feet in the event of a disaster. That’s why implementing a working records management program is a big deal. True, an effective policy means guidelines, executive buy-in, and employee training. We’re here to tell you it’s worth the effort, and there are plenty of upsides. Most important, not having a records management policy in place can lead to data loss, data breaches, an enormous amount of space taken up by unnecessary storage boxes, and a very inefficient filing system. So, if you’ve been implementing do it yourself methods, or you’re still on the fence about taking the plunge, here are some very good reasons to get your records management program up to date right away. Need more evidence? Here are the 5 pros for taking on records management.


Be prepared for a data disaster

In the case of a disaster, natural or otherwise, is your data protected? Imagine the worst-case scenario: A fire or earthquake damages your office. Or an office break-in leads to theft of sensitive information. How fast could your office recover? Could it recover? With a disaster recovery plan in place, some of these worries simply go away. Your records will be housed in secure facilities offsite, available should the need arise. In the event of an emergency, your data will be delivered to you securely so your business will have the necessary information to carry on as usual. Plus, when you’ve set up a method of data recovery, you’re the office hero.


Avoid data leaks

We cannot emphasize enough that hacks and security breaches are the new normal. Even physical break-ins make offices vulnerable to computer or mobile phone theft. But, you can be prepared. Offsite records storage, scheduled document destruction, and limiting access to sensitive materials will all help keep your data safe. You can even set up a system to erase mobile devices remotely if they’re swiped. With some extra precautions, you can protect your business. This means increasing data leaks awareness in your office, implementing a regular shred everything [same day] policy, and adding encrypted passwords.


Stay organized

Putting a records management program in place will keep you on top of your paper records. With a document management company, easily track down archived files when you need them or access them digitally. Your boxes of paper will now be barcoded, labeled, and stored at an offsite secure facility, ready and available should you need to access them. It’s a great time to categorize records with inspiration from the Dewey Decimal system, with tips such as: group items together, chronologically. Log data points like time period and file type so keyword search will be a breeze, and use consistent naming systems.

bonus pro tip

Now that your paper records are boxed up and stored off site, think of all the ways you can use that extra space. Get creative and open up the area as a common touchdown space, a workout area, sublet it for some extra cash or even size down to smaller digs.


Keep California green

If you care about the environment, you’ll care about how to deal with all that paper you need to destroy. It might not seem obvious, but handling your paper correctly with a company that follows eco-friendly policies ensures that you’re not only safely destroying documents, but recycling them, too. Corodata is a green business, so signing with us means you’re partnering with a company that believes in sustainable practices. Corodata uses cartons made from recycled materials, recycles your shredded paper, and is committed to energy-efficient storage facilities as well as cleaner trucks with reduced carbon emissions. This doesn’t add cost or time, but it does help save the environment. A big win for planet Earth.


Be compliant

Getting audited is never any fun. But having a well, records management program makes legal issues so much less of a headache. You may know it as an audit trail, a chain of custody or, the more commonly used term, an access control log. Having an access control log, is critical should you run into any legal issues such as an IRS audit or a subpoena. Showing your company’s intent through a written policy can help even if documents were accidentally destroyed or have been lost.