Dangers of Onsite Storage

Onsite storage can lead to data breaches, records lost during natural disasters, and the consequences of human error repeatedly show us that records storage management is best left to the experts at a secure facility offsite. It may seem convenient to maintain your records storage onsite, but in fact the opposite is almost always true. Not only will you protect your records, but you’ll also gain numerous additional benefits from a company that has years of expertise with records storage management. Benefits include compliance with regulatory agencies, a quality trained staff, increased space at your onsite location, and more. Plus, you’ll save yourself time, money, and ultimately peace of mind.

Maintaining Compliance- HIPAA, Sarbanes- Oxley

Many business sectors, especially banking and health care require legal compliance with regulatory bodies such as HIPAA, Sarbanes, and Oxley. Not maintaining compliancy can have devastating consequences for your business. Fines for data leaks, for example, typically run for $50,000 per HIPAA violation.

If you’re utilizing your space for onsite storage, compliancy is a must and requires being managed internally by designated staff. This results in continuous training for key staff members, auditing, and staying current with any changes in industry standards or compliancy laws. Wouldn’t it be easier if this was left in the hands of staff specifically trained to manage records storage and compliancy?

Every business is held accountable for the safekeeping of confidential business, health and personnel records. By storing your records offsite with Corodata, your records will automatically be in compliance with government agencies and legislation, and at no extra charge to you.

Snoops, thieves, and dishonest employees

Onsite storage makes records accessible to anyone who comes into your facility. Snoops, thieves, and dishonest employees are all reasons why numerous businesses are the victims of data breaches, privacy violations, and corporate identity theft. Maintaining a truly secure records storage program involves meticulous security, an investment in specific technology and equipment, and continuous training of staff.

Storing your records offsite gives you the advantage of leaving the security of your confidential business information in the hands of trained professionals. Corodata employees are all thoroughly background checked, continuously trained, and regularly evaluated. Your records are stored in facilities that have the latest in video surveillance technology, including digital storage and remote access. By storing offsite, your records will be protected like never before, and far away from the prying eyes of anyone trying to get their hands on your valuable business information.

Better use of space

One of the benefits of offsite records storage is the space it frees up in your facility or office. Storing your boxes offsite gives you the freedom to:

1. Make room for more employees Hire new employees, create a common workspace, or leverage your square footage more efficiently to generate revenue.

2. Look professional People not only judge your business on its service and employees but on its physical condition. Sensitive files left out in the open could raise questions about your standards or attention to detail.

3. Sublet your extra space If you’re locked into a lease; use your former storage space to generate rent from another business.

4. Reduce clutter Old files, even in a dedicated storage room, are unsightly. And they can be a black hole of time if an employee needs to find something.

5. Reduce Danger Falling boxes could injure an employee, customer, or visitor, potentially causing workers compensation claims or lawsuits. They’re also a potential fire hazard.

6. Lease a smaller space Offsite storage per square foot is a fraction of the cost of comparable office space. Better your bottom line by giving up the unused space you no longer need.

Cost and Savings

What could be easier than using your own office space for records storage? (It’s free, right?) But think about how much that idle square footage is costing you per month. Couldn’t you (and the staff searching for files there) be working and making money for you instead? Storing your records at your place of business can cost more than you think.

Onsite storage incurs costs through the time spent training and managing staff, the investments made to establish security features, the space required for records storage, and any fines or legal fees required for compliancy violations if they occur. Since offsite storage per square foot is a fraction of the cost of storing boxes onsite, you’ll end up saving in the long run by storing your records offsite and leaving records management to the experts.

Why Corodata

Corodata Records Management has been safely storing records and keeping confidential information secure for thousands of businesses since 1947. We go above and beyond our competitors with our exceptional customer service, commitment to the environment, continual upgrades that exceed industry standards, notable compliancy, impeccable security, and some of the best, well-trained staff of records management experts in the industry.