8 Records Management Principles [Webinar]

Learn the 8 records management Principles to have an Effective Records Management Program

As companies continue to produce more information, there is a growing need for best practices on how to secure and protect their most vital company information. In this records management webinar, we’ll review the 8 records management principles of an effective records management program can serve as both a refresher for companies with established records management programs and a handy guide with tips for businesses on proper implementation and information security.

Join this records management principle webinar to learn about:

Ransomware Webinar

An overview of the 8 principles

financial institution Case Study

How to implement an ideal records program for your company

corodata partnership with Carbonite

How Corodata Can Help

About Corodata

Corodata is California’s largest privately held information management company since 1948. With over 10,000 clients and five facilities throughout the state, we are a full records and information company with a focus on providing outstanding, local customer service. Corodata provides secure destruction, offsite record storage, imaging, data protection, and cloud backup services.

About the Featured Presenter

Marshall Commons, IGP is a senior account executive at Corodata. Since 1993, Marshall has been providing Corodata clients with customized and comprehensive options for secure records storage, document destruction and off-site data storage and protection. Marshall has earned the distinction of being a certified Information Governance Professional. He is qualified to provide professional training and development of Generally Accepted Recordkeeping Principles, service, budgets and Retention Guidelines. He earned his Information Governance Professional title in 2016.

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